The Good Cheer Club luncheon was a success as always. We were fortunate to have music and singing by Men Who Care.
Sisterhood Meeting will be September 13th. It will be good to see everyone. We are having a special guest speaker and she is bringing a surprise for us. I am hoping we have a good turnout for her. I want to be proud and not embarrassed. I am sure you won’t let me down.
The “Night of the ’50s” movie and dinner didn’t work out, but we will try again. As the old saying goes … if at first you don’t succeed try, try again.
Memories are the greatest gift we are given. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t think about someone. Something I said or did that made me think about them. It always puts a smile on my face and makes me feel good that I know or knew them. We can learn so much from each other — we just need to listen. I am the first to say that isn’t always easy.
All the seats are full on Friday night, but we will be happy to set up more chairs for you. Please feel free to join us and be included in our meaningful services.
I will try to do more but for now maybe this will work.
Patty Lewis is president of UHC Terre Haute Sisterhood.