First United Methodist group visits for Shabbat; March 12 meeting set for Fly-IN Cafe

By Patty Lewis

It seems like only yesterday when Sisterhood began its winter break. They say time flies when you are having a good time, so I must be having a great time!

I did enjoy the experience February 8 at the Temple when a a large group from First United Methodist Church in Robinson, Ill., visited for Shabbat services with Student Rabbi Jonathan Falco.

The ladies from First United Methodist were very interested in our Temple and religion and I enjoyed my conversations with them.

I am a strong believer that if we teach our children to appreciate each others’ differences and beliefs and to respect other religions, we will have a happier and more cooperative society.

They brought eight children from their Sunday school classes as well. I am a strong believer that if we teach our children to appreciate each others’ differences and beliefs and to respect other religions, we will have a happier and more cooperative society.

Join us for lunch at the airport!

By now I am sure you have received your flyer about our Sisterhood meeting at 12:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 12, at the Fly-IN Cafe at Terre Haute Regional Airport.

I hope we will get to see planes arriving or taking off while we enjoy our lunch. The Fly-IN Cafe has great food, too! Come on out and help us decide the Sisterhood agenda for 2019.

Kitchen shower continues

Our Temple kitchen shower has brought a lot of much-needed donations!

Remember, the kitchen belongs to all of us and Sisterhood maintains critical kitchen supplies.

I want to thank Karen and her helpers for taking down the tables and stacking the chairs after our latest oneg.

Also, thanks to my helpers Betsy, Jackie, Karen and Wilma for their assistance and a special thank you to our Shabbat doorman, Dick Frank. I so appreciate your help and I apologize if I missed anyone!

Patty Lewis is president of UHC Terre Haute Sisterhood.


Oneg decorations for Feb. 8 included an informative display depicting all the presidents of Israel.

Sisterhood is accepting your kitchen shower donations!

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