Ellie Loeb Merar to return for CANDLES talk; student rabbi set for fall 2018

By Terry Fear

Terry Fear is vice president/secretary of United Hebrew Congregation Terre Haute.

Ellie Loeb Merar

Ellie Loeb Merar, a Terre Haute resident from 1937-1943, will speak at 6:30 p.m. Saturday, May 19, at CANDLES Holocaust Museum & Education Center.

Before World War II, Ellie’s parents Emma and Albert Loeb owned a store in Lauterecken, Germany. Starting in 1933, then 7-year-old Ellie and younger sister Stella endured anti-Semitic instructors in school, while Nazis targeted the family’s store.

The Loebs left Germany in 1937 and came to live with family in Terre Haute. Blanche Loeb Wolf and Carl Wolf, grandparents of late former United Hebrew Congregation president Ed Wormser, sponsored the Loebs.

Ellie has fond memories of her time in Terre Haute and would enjoy visiting with congregation members.

Annual meeting set for May 20

Our annual meeting will be 11:30 a.m. Sunday, May 20, in the Vestry Room at the Temple. Light refreshments will be served.

During the business portion of the meeting, we will review last year’s accomplishments, elect board members and participate in planning for the upcoming year.

When the meeting concludes at 1 p.m., Roie Gonenshaliach (Israeli emissary) to the Indianapolis Jewish Community, will present “Israel at 70.”

Jonathan Falco named student rabbi for 2018-2019

Jonathan Falco, a second-year student at Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion in Cincinnati, will serve as UHC’s student rabbi for 2018-19, starting this fall.

He is from Somers, New York and now makes his home in Manhattan. Jonathan earned a B.A. in Jewish Studies at Emory University in Atlanta.

According to Jonathan, he visited Cincinnati for his rabbinical school interview and “fell in love with the midwest”. We look forward to welcoming him to our congregation.

Restoration of Temple Israel

Work on repointing the limestone façade on the front of the building and lintel replacement above the sanctuary and Vestry Room windows will finish soon.

Midwest Restoration of Paris, Ill., has been performing this critical work that seals the exterior from water infiltration.

The UHC board is now considering rehabilitation of the sanctuary’s stained-glass window frames, along with window restoration. This exterior work is also critical.

The board will be working closely with Indiana Landmarks Western Regional Office Director Tommy Kleckner to determine our next steps.

UHC will need new money through donations and grants to meet project expenses.

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