Don’t be like Pharoah. Soften your heart, reach out to others and embrace a meaningful life

By Student Rabbi Rocki Schy

We recently began reading the Book of Exodus. Anyone who has seen The Prince of Egypt or The Ten Commandments can appreciate the impact of these beginning parshiot.

The plot of Exodus is so complex, with character introductions and development abounding as the narrative progresses.

The plot of Exodus is so complex, with character introductions and development abounding as the narrative progresses. We are introduced to Moses, Miriam and Aaron, to Pharaoh and his daughter, to the freedom narrative and the process by which the Israelites become a nation with mitzvot to follow.

In other words, there’s a lot to talk about when it comes to Exodus.

What I tend to find most meaningful about these early chapters of Exodus is Pharaoh’s behavior. When Moses first speaks to G-d, G-d tells him that G-d will harden Pharaoh’s heart so Pharaoh will not free the Israelites.

When Moses first speaks to G-d, G-d tells him that G-d will harden Pharaoh’s heart so Pharaoh will not free the Israelites.

This is indeed the case, as we see several instances of G-d actively hardening Pharaoh’s heart after plagues befall Egypt, in order to intensify Pharaoh’s punishment.

However, G-d is not the only one who hardens Pharaoh’s heart. Pharaoh is stubbornly hardening his own heart as well. 

Pharoah was never going to win this game

Pharaoh is the villain in the story, and is doomed from the start. However, we can learn something from him. Of Pharoah’s many wicked qualities, the worst is that of stubbornness, of the hardening of his own heart.

He narrows his worldview so completely that he is unable to see the destruction and dismay occurring all around him. He shuts himself off from the love he might have for his people and the empathy he might display for their needs, while he persists in his path of woe. 

Pharoah shuts himself off from the love he might have for his people and the empathy he might display for their needs, while he persists in his path of woe.

There are so many reasons why we would not want to be like Pharaoh, but this is perhaps one of the most compelling.

Many of Pharaoh’s infractions are mythical and so extreme that we are fairly safe from ever replicating them. However, nobody is truly safe from hardening their own heart.

Choose a better role model

When we close ourselves off from the needs of others, we are mimicking Pharaoh. When we turn a blind eye to the suffering of others, we are mimicking Pharaoh.

When we narrow our worldview and refuse to see things from other perspectives, we are mimicking Pharaoh.

When we value our pride so highly that we refuse to change our ways, we are mimicking Pharaoh.

When we value our pride so highly that we refuse to change our ways, we are mimicking Pharaoh.

When we harden our own hearts in this way, we lose out on growth, on living a meaningful life, on being a part of a vibrant and joyful community.

Pursue empathy and seek understanding

Some may say that a soft heart is a recipe for pain, but we see the opposite proven in these early parshiot of Exodus.

When we are faced with the choice of hardening our hearts or softening them, we should take the opportunity to choose softness.

To remain open, caring, empathetic, to grow in seeking peace, in helping others, in seeking understanding, is to distance ourselves from the hardened heart of Pharaoh.

We reach out with our hands; we listen to our friends and to members of our community; we step into each others’ shoes; and in so doing, we soften our own hearts. 

May our hearts continue to soften as we read the Book of Exodus.

Student Rabbi Rocki Schy will serve UHC Terre Haute during the 2022-23 academic year.

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