Donations will help Light House Mission and Conner’s Center residents stay warm this winter

By Patty Lewis

By the time you are reading this, the holidays will be over. Now, what are we going to do with our time in January? We could go to bed and get up in April.

By then, the cold and snow will be gone. The bad part is you will lose three months of your life! So, I guess I will stay up and deal with the cold and snow or we could stay with Jo in Florida. I know our snowbirds will be sorry they missed out on our snow.

There was a very touching article in the newspaper the other day we could all learn from. A little girl said she had $9.11 to spend on Hanukkah. The little boy told her she couldn’t buy something for everyone with that amount but she said she would try. The little boy said they would sure get cheap presents. The little girl told him nothing is cheap if it costs all you have!

Representatives from Light House Mission/Conner’s Center were very impressed with the four large totes we filled for them. Sisterhood sent a generous check as well.

I am so proud of all the contributions everyone brought in for Light House Mission/Conner’s Center. The December Sisterhood meeting was canceled due to inclement weather, but Rev. Tim Fagg, Rev. Timothy Long and their assistant came to collect the donated items and were very impressed with the four large totes we filled for them. Sisterhood sent a generous check as well.

I am so glad we were able to help. Sisterhood will meet again in March. If you have any new ideas for Sisterhood, please let me know before March. I would love to go to Clabber Girl Museum for lunch and look around. There are so many places that we can go together here in Terre Haute. We can improve the social aspects of Sisterhood and still meet our obligations.

In the meantime, try to stay warm and check on others.

Patty Lewis is president of UHC Terre Haute Sisterhood.


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