Cruise passengers find common ground in Shabbat celebration

By Betsy Frank

Betsy Frank is UHC para-rabbinic fellow and president.

As many of you may know, Dick and I are on a cruise around South America, which includes sailing around parts of Antarctica.

One of the joys of cruising is meeting people from all over, including Jews from across the United States and around the world. We have met Jews from Texas, Connecticut, Ohio, Canada, England and Argentina. And yes, we have celebrated Shabbat with some of those we have met.

When considering our congregation, what do you think are the areas of agreement that will help us sustain our congregational community?

Now, you may wonder why experiencing Shabbat on a cruise is so special. Celebrating Shabbat with Jews of all denominations shows that no matter our level of observance, we have more in common with each other than we have differences.

Perhaps more would get done in this world and our immediate neighborhoods if we started with areas of agreement rather than disagreements.

When considering our congregation, what do you think are the areas of agreement that will help us sustain our congregational community?

Do let any of the Board members know your thoughts.

Shalom from Antarctica,

Betsy Frank

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