B’nai Mitzvah 2016 class to lead May 12 Shabbat services

One year ago, five women achieved long-delayed goals by celebrating their collective B’nai Mitzvah in the sanctuary at Temple Israel.

Student Rabbi Jennifer Lewis officiated that ceremony, conducted May 7, 2016, before the family, friends and United Hebrew Congregation members.

Now, that 2016 B’nai Mitzvah class, including Karen Harris, Debra Israel, Patty Lewis, Wilma Turetzky and Sara Wormser-Waltermire, will unite to officiate Shabbat services at 7:30 p.m. Friday, May 12, 2017, in the Vestry Room.

All are invited to attend. The B’nai Mitzvah class will sponsor an oneg after the service.

B’nai Mitzvah photos

Here, Karen, Debra, Patty, Wilma and Sara proudly don tallit to complete their B’nai Mitzvah dress rehearsal in March 2016.

Following the ceremony, the ladies join Student Rabbi Jennifer Lewis to celebrate the hamotzi.

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