And yes, the world turns

By Betsy Frank

Our secular and Hebrew calendars are tied to seasons, regular milestones and specific holidays. So, once again, the religious and public schools begin academic years. And in our congregation we get geared up for the High Holy Days. By now, some of you will have met, or will shortly meet, our student rabbi, Aaron Rozovsky. He will be leading our High Holy Days services and his mother and perhaps a brother will be joining us as well. Student Rabbi Rozovsky will also be available to meet with congregants and work with our religious school during his bi-weekly visits.

The Board has been active over the summer working on several projects, including under Terry Fear’s leadership, submitting the Sacred Places grant. Another project was developing a parking policy for the neighbors who regularly use our parking lot. Thanks to Scott Skillman for working hard on this policy. As a result, a limited number of paid parking passes will be issued to those who want to park in the lot on a daily basis.

I look forward to seeing you at our High Holy Days services and throughout the year. Please let me know if you have any initiatives you would like the Temple to undertake. Of course, if you have concerns, please let me know as well.


Betsy Frank is UHC para-rabbinic fellow and president.

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