Shana Tova 5799 from UHC Terre Haute

Days of Awe provide opportunity for reflection

By Betsy Frank

Betsy Frank is UHC para-rabbinic fellow and president.

The Ten Days of Awe or Yamim Noraim is a time for reflection, both personal and congregational. From our reflections, we strive to make changes in our personal and congregational lives. Over the past several years, I have written about personal reflection and change, but not so much about congregational reflection.

As you know, under Terry Fear’s leadership, we have submitted a grant application to Sacred Places Indiana. This grant, should we receive it, will help us get a professional architectural assessment of building restoration needs.

Now, here is where the congregation will be involved. We will have to set priorities for what can be accomplished. Your ideas will be solicited. However, a congregation is not just a building. A congregation is a community. A community forms bonds within in order to build its spiritual life. A congregation also reaches out and builds relationships with the external community. Partnerships enhance our spiritual life by sharing what is important to us with those in the external community.

So, how can we enrich the spiritual life in our congregation? As you spend time in reflection, please think about how we can, as a community, deepen your spiritual life. What kind of programs would you attend? What would you like to experience during our services? Please do let us know!

On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I wish you and your family L’Shana Tova. May this next year be filled with many blessings. And, may your reflections be fruitful.


Betsy Frank

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