A joyous group will celebrate Passover on Friday, April 19, at the Temple

By Betsy Frank

Betsy Frank is UHC para-rabbinic fellow and president.

What is the holiday celebrated by most Jews, no matter their observance level? You have three guesses and the first two don’t count.

And the answer is … Passover! The Passover story that we recount every year represents the seminal event in the history of our people. This story sets the stage for our ongoing spiritual development.

Passover is the one holiday that really needs a joyous group in order to have a meaningful celebration. And we will celebrate!

Herschel brandishes Afikomen ransom.

Herschel Chait will share the honors

On Friday, April 19, the first night of Passover, Herschel Chait and I will lead our congregation in the re-telling of the Passover story. As before, all will have a hand in reading the Haggadah. So do join us.

Herschel will lead Kabbalat Shabbat services at 6 p.m. and the seder will follow immediately at 6:30 p.m.

Best Charoses will win a prize.

Bring hard-boiled eggs and seder plates!

But participation in reading is not all we need. The congregation will provide the entree and chicken soup, but we ask participants to bring a non-dairy, Kosher for Passover side dish.

We also need several persons to bring each of the following items:

  • Matzoh balls
  • Charoses for ceremonial plates
  • Hard-boiled eggs

If you have an extra seder plate, please bring it, so we can provide one plate per table.

Also, back by popular demand, will be our annual charoses contest. Best Charoses will win a valuable prize.

Please let us know which items you can bring, and whether you can assist with setup. Contact me or call Norma at (812) 232-5988.

“Why is this night different from all others nights?” To answer this question, RSVP to Norma by Friday, April 12.

PS: If you need Passover food of any kind, please let us know. We are ordering online and also may make a trip to Indianapolis. In addition, you can request specific items through Baesler’s Market.

Interfaith service honors victims of Christchurch attacks

Congratulations to Terry Fear for participating in the recent interfaith service at First UU Congregation of Terre Haute. The event allowed us to express solidarity with the Muslim community and honor victims of the mosque attacks in Christchurch, New Zealand.

Terry is a fabulous speaker and represented us well.


Betsy Frank

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