Reflect on the good — and share your suggestions with the Temple community

By Betsy Frank

Betsy Frank is UHC para-rabbinic fellow and president.

The High Holidays have passed, but we still have the opportunity to take stock of our lives.

What obligations and tasks have we performed well? What could we improve? And if goals yet remain, how do we reach those goals?

During this time, I also like to reflect on what is good in my life.

All of us can easily recognize aspects of our daily lives that do not satisfy. But how often do we also recognize the good?

All of us can easily recognize aspects of our daily lives that do not satisfy. But how often do we also recognize the good?

I know my day-to-day life is good. Yes, some days are better than others.

But simple tasks such as working in the garden, completing errands with Dick or just sitting at home and reading a good book are all personally rewarding. Yes, the little things are a part of what makes life satisfying.

How can we make UHC more meaningful?

The opportunity to worship and take part in activities with our Temple community also adds to a satisfying life.

To be a Jew, I need a community, and I hope you do too. Please share your suggestions on how we can make UHC more meaningful for you and your family.

Dick and I wish you all a very happy and healthy New Year.


Betsy Frank


Student Rabbi Remy Liverman conducted Shabbat Shuvah services on Friday, Oct. 4, as UHC observed the High Holidays with an oneg.

Dick baked the challah, Betsy provided lemon squares and Patty sent “old-fashioned pumpkin cookies”.

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