Sisterhood dinner continues long tradition with Good Cheer Club for the Blind

By Patty Lewis

United Hebrew Congregation Sisterhood will hold its regular second-Tuesday meeting with a brown bag luncheon at noon Sept. 17, 2017, in the Vestry Room at Temple Israel.

I’m sorry I missed writing last month, but my mind wasn’t working right. (Some would say it never works right.) But I am back.

Ralph was in the hospital at the time and I couldn’t work this column into my schedule. Also, my sister-in-law passed away and we lost our family dog of 15 years, Sarah.

Religious school served a satisfying brunch for Mother’s Day and Sarah Harris did a great job on her Bat Mitzvah.

Religious school, as always, served a satisfying brunch for Mother’s Day, with the help of Karen, Scott and Scott’s children. If you have never been to one of their brunches, you are missing out.

Karen’s and Gary Harris’s daughter Sarah did a great job on her Bat Mitzvah. Karen has done a wonderful job with her children and set a great example. Gary supports her and the children. They are such an outstanding family.

Mrs. Carl Wolf held the first Good Cheer Club event in 1911

At its July 12 meeting, Sisterhood held a delicious fried chicken dinner for the Good Cheer Club for the Blind.

This tradition began in 1911 under the leadership of Temple member Mrs. Carl Wolf, who continued the Good Cheer Club dinner until 1965.

By that time, the club included 102 members. Many have since passed away and we only had 10 this year. In fact, the members had just attended a funeral of one of their friends before coming to the dinner.

They worried we wouldn’t have much longer with such a few attending the dinner. But I assured the Good Cheer Club members Sisterhood and the staff would always be there for them, no matter the number of people. And I told them each one is special.

I assured the Good Cheer Club members Sisterhood would always be there for them, no matter the number of people. And I told them each one is special.

This sweet and precious group are amazing and positive. Music was provided by the talented Men Who Care, featuring Tim Kirkman and Don Armstrong.

The Good Cheer Club members would nod their heads and tap their feet to the beat of the music that was familiar to them. They were all smiles and offered their thanks over and over.

Tim and Don not only provided the music but afterwards chatted with each guest and added a little more sunshine to their lives.

Sisterhood members walked away feeling happy we helped make the Good Cheer Club members’ day brighter and helped bring joy into their lives.


Patty provides these action photos from Sisterhood events on July 12 with the Good Cheer Club for the Blind and May 14 with religious school for Mother’s Day.

Patty Lewis is president of UHC Terre Haute Sisterhood.

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