Sisterhood focuses on growth in 2022, sets ‘meet, greet and eat’ event for Dec. 19

By Patty Lewis

I would like to invite all current and future UHC Sisterhood members to my home at 10:30 a.m. Sunday, Dec. 19, for a “meet, greet and eat” event.

Covid has kept us apart for much of 2020 and 2021. But in the meantime, the congregation has added a few members and we’d love to welcome them.

Call Norma at the Temple at (812) 232-5988 to RSVP or use our contact form

Flexible meeting schedule could attract working mothers

Also, the weekend time may allow some young, working mothers a better opportunity to make it to a Sisterhood meeting.

I raised three children, so I can relate! We’ll even set a Sisterhood meeting for a Sunday after religious school if that meets your schedule.

Sisterhood is an essential component of our congregation that has admittedly grown smaller with the passing of some wonderful ladies. We honor them by continuing Sisterhood’s charter to support the congregation, religious school and community throughout the year.

Sisterhood performs good works in the community

Dues remain $25 per year and we conduct fundraisers to help fund projects and meet our goals. One generous lady, Elizabeth Garland, provides tremendous support to Sisterhood and congregation members regularly donate on happy occasions or in memory of departed loved ones.

Let’s jump-start Temple Sisterhood with a good turnout on Dec. 19 and look forward to a busy and productive 2022!

Patty Lewis is Sisterhood president at UHC Terre Haute.

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