Jackie and Steve Silver celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary Saturday, and Student Rabbi Aaron Rozovsky marked the occasion by calling the Silvers to to the bemah to participate in a special Torah reading during Friday Shabbat services.

Saturday also marked Tu B’Shevat, the New Year for Trees, and Friday’s oneg noted the holiday with pomegranates, dates and olives as well as Patty Lewis’s date-nut and raisin cakes and Betsy Frank’s raisin cookies.
Later Saturday, Rabbi Aaron conducted a Torah study at Westminster Village, as part of United Hebrew Congregation’s outreach program to the community.
The Silvers were married Feb. 11, 1967, and their family grew to include two children, three grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.
After many years as a homemaker, Jackie taught pre-school at Maryland Community Church in Terre Haute. She worked in the office at Peddle Park before working 10 years as store manager for the Girl Scouts.
Steve is retired from J.I. Case, where worked as a cost accountant and the Indiana State Police Post, where we was evidence clerk. He also retired in 2004 after 17 years in the Indiana Air National Guard. Steve previously served three years in the U.S. Army.
Rabbi Aaron conducted the hamotzi after Shabbat services, and UHC members celebrated Tu B’Shevat with an oneg.
A bright moon rose over Temple Israel on Friday evening.
Rabbi Aaron led a Torah study Saturday at Westminster Village.